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Friday, 10月 30, 2020

室 Celebrates new location for Restore Education

周三,cq9跳高高试玩版在剪彩仪式上庆祝恢复教育的新增长中心, 10月28日. “恢复教育”是一个非营利组织,为有机会的年轻人和成年人提供从基本识字开始的服务 ...


Friday, 10月 30, 2020

LSA 45 Class 成员 Spotlight: Carmen Aramanda

圣安东尼奥市领导层表彰了几位在2019冠状病毒病危机期间表现出色的模范成员. Today’s spotlight is on Carmen Aramanda, Programs Manager at Trinity University.How do you uniquely contribute to San ...


Thursday, 10月 22, 2020

LSA 45 Class 成员 Spotlight: Amy Lane

圣安东尼奥市领导层表彰了几位在2019冠状病毒病危机期间表现出色的模范成员. Today’s spotlight is on North East ISD’s Amy Lane.你是做什么的??I serve on the 20-person 领袖ship team of North ...


Friday, 10月 16, 2020

Advertising sales for our 搬迁 Guide are open

Thousands of people move to San Antonio every month. 在他们中间, skilled workers looking for jobs, families looking for schools for their children, veterans searching for the resources and support they need, and just about everyone curiously ...


Wednesday, 10月 7, 2020

德州 Safety Solutions has you covered

Have you ever asked yourself, “What is the best way to do this?” This is the question most people ask or should ask , 而它恰好是国际标准组织(ISO)创建的基础. 德州 ...


Thursday, 10月 1, 2020

室 hosts tele-town hall with public utilities 领袖s

周二晚上, 你们商会与当地公用事业公司的领导人举办了一场虚拟市政厅, Paula Gold-Williams, 总统 and 首席执行官 of CPS Energy and Robert R. Puente, 总统 and 首席执行官 of San Antonio Water System (SAWS). 主持和 ...


Thursday, 10月 1, 2020

室 Leaders Visit Brooke Army Medical Center

上周五, 你们cq9跳高高试玩版的领导拜访了布鲁克陆军医疗中心(BAMC)的新指挥官, Brigadier General Shan Bagby and Command Sergeant Major Thurman Reynolds. The visit was an opportunity to receive updates ...


Thursday, 10月 1, 2020

LSA 45 Class 成员 Spotlight: Melissa Ramirez

圣安东尼奥市领导层表彰了几位在2019冠状病毒病危机期间表现出色的模范成员. Today’s spotlight is on 圣安东尼奥市, Development Services’ Melissa Ramirez.How do you uniquely contribute ...
